UniCredit Bank GmbH
Arabellastraße 12
81925 Munich
Tel. 0049 (0)89 378-0
Authorized Representatives / Executive Board:
Marion Höllinger (Spokeswoman of the Executive Board), René Babinsky, Marion Bayer-Schiller, Martin Brinckmann, Artur Gruca, Marco Iannaccone, Georgiana Lazar-O’Callaghan, Pierpaolo Montana, Ljubisa Tesić
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Munich HR B 289472
VAT Identification Number: DE 129273380
Supervisory Authorities:
Europäische Zentralbank
Sonnemannstraße 20
60314 Frankfurt
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn (banking supervision)
and: Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt a.M. (securities supervision)
The UniCredit Group, to which UniCredit Bank GmbH belongs, includes domestic and foreign companies, including banks as well as securities and financial services companies, authorized by the competent supervisory authorities in their respective countries of domicile.
Legal Information according to § 35a GmbHG
UniCredit Bank GmbH
Legal Form: GmbH
Registered Office: Munich
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Andrea Orcel
Executive Board:
Marion Höllinger (Spokeswoman of the Executive Board), René Babinsky, Marion Bayer-Schiller, Martin Brinckmann, Artur Gruca, Marco Iannaccone, Georgiana Lazar-O’Callaghan, Pierpaolo Montana, Ljubisa Tesić
Commercial Register: Munich HR B 289472
Tax-Id. No.: 143/107/72500
VAT Reg.No.: DE 129273380