Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Articles of Incorporation

Here you can download the current Articles of Association (PDF) of UniCredit Bank GmbH.
Date: December 2023

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Management and Organisational Structure

Here you will find information about the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.

Publication on Remuneration

Publication in accordance with Art. 450 Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) read in conjunction with section 16 for remuneration systems and remuneration policy

UniCredit Bank GmbH is obliged to publish information on its remuneration policy, remuneration systems as well as remuneration paid to risk takers in accordance with Article 450 of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), read in conjunction with Section 16 of the Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions:

Publication Disclosure report

Publication in accordance with Bank "Institutsvergütungsverordnung" for Design of the remuneration systems / Composition of the remuneration / Method of granting

Basically the remuneration systems of UniCredit Bank GmbH are determined by the type of the employment contract (e.g. for Pay scale Employees) respectively by the hierarchical levels (e.g. Top Management below Executive Board level). In this respect they are consistently applied cross divisional. A sole exception is the compensation system of Client Solutions, which is valid only in this division.

Subsequent all remuneration systems of UniCredit Bank GmbH are described in detail: 

Remuneration Systems

Disclosure of UniCredit Bank GmbH’s Remuneration Policy in relation to the integration of sustainability risks

Pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, UniCredit Bank GmbH is required to publish information on its remuneration policy with regard to the integration of sustainability risks.

The following describes the alignment of the remuneration policy to the sustainability strategy of UniCredit Bank GmbH:

Disclosure Remuneration Policy