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Glühbirne in Natur

Green Covered Bonds of UniCredit Bank GmbH

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Sustainability is an integral part of our actions and a central element of our business strategy and culture. Our aim is to help society develop sustainably and fairly - in line with our goal of "Empowering Communities to progress".  As "part of the solution," we as a banking partner want to work with our customers and communities to drive the transformation towards achieving the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and thus to a sustainable and fair society. 

To that end, we have issued our first inaugural Green Covered Bond in September 2021 and our second in September 2022 under the UniCredit's Sustainability Bond Framework. Both bonds are secured with real estate mortgages from the bank’s cover pool.

UniCredit Group Sustainability Bond Framework is based on the Green Bond Principles (2021 version), Social Bond Principles (2021 version) and Sustainability Bond Guidelines (2021 version) as administered by the International Capital Markets Association ("ICMA"). The Sustainability Bond Framework is also intended to be aligned, on a best effort basis and to the extent currently possible, with ongoing proposals for the EU Green Bond Standard and the EU classification of environmentally sustainable economic activities (EU Taxonomy).

For further information, please refer to our Sustainability Bond Report 2024 and UniCredit's Sustainability Bond Framework.

  1. EUR 500 Mio.
  2. EUR 500 Mio.
Value Date
  1. 28.09.2021
  2. 27.09.2022 
  1. 28.09.2026
  2. 27.04.2028 
  1. Pfandbrief
  2. Pfandbrief
  1. DE000HV2AYN4
  2. DE000HV2AY12